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Qualifying Questions

We can only select clients who respond with the applicable answers to the following qualifying questions. 

If these responses match proceed to a FREE initial appointment by clicking "Get Started". 

Does my business sell products/services over the value of $5,000?

Ans: Yes


Does my business have a profit margin of 20% or above?

Ans: Yes


Am I willing to sign a sales representation contract for a minimum of 3 months?

Ans: Yes


Are you willing to provide us with all product/services material including previous customer and lead info?

Ans: Yes

If permitted will you allow us to take over the sales/marketing component of a campaign?

Ans: Yes


If permitted will you allow our team to work directly with yours and will your team implement advice we give them?

Ans: Yes


If recommended are you willing to allocate a budget recommended by us for marketing in order to generate quality leads and help your sales campaign?

Ans: Yes


Are you ready to crush your previous sales results and the competition?

Ans: Yes!

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